Daily Dentistry Tips and Tricks

When was the last time you paid your Dentist Woodland Hills a visit? The American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist at least once every six months. These dental visits are part of preventive dentistry. As the popular adage goes, “prevention is better than cure”. When you visit your dentist, you’ll also learn ways on how to take better care of your teeth and gums.

Believe it or not but hundreds of patients come to the clinic complaining of tooth pain, bleeding gums, and bad breath. What’s alarming is that these people say that they brush and floss their teeth at home. It’s perplexing but after a series of questions, it was found that they were doing it wrong. You see, some techniques need to be followed and if you fail to execute these techniques, your efforts will all be in vain, and plaque will continue to build up and wreak havoc in your mouth.

During your dental visit, your dentist will teach you the right ways to protect your teeth and gums against oral health problems. Here are some tips that will help you get started.

#1 Brush Your Teeth Before Bedtime

Even if you’re too tired, you must make an effort to brush your teeth before going to bed. Dentists recommend you brush your teeth twice a day. Once in the morning and the next one before retiring to sleep.

If you keep forgetting to brush your teeth before you sleep plaque and bacteria that have accumulated during the day will attack your enamel and gum tissues leading to the formation of holes and pits called cavities and the swelling of your gums known as gingivitis.

#2 Brush Your Teeth Properly

How you brush your teeth is essential to keeping them healthy. If you’re not brushing your teeth right it’s as if you’ve never brushed at all. The ideal time frame for brushing your teeth is two minutes using gentle, circular motions. Brushing too hard is counterproductive as it will only injure your gums and cause premature enamel erosion. Divide the time equally for every quadrant.

#3 Floss Daily

A lot of people aren’t huge fans of flossing. Unlike brushing, flossing is more complicated and requires more time and effort since you’ll be doing it for each tooth. But, if you are consistent and disciplined, the results will eventually pay off. Again, just like brushing, there is a technique for this. You may ask your dentist to show you how it’s done during your next dental visit to avoid puncturing your gums.

#4 Don’t Forget Your Tongue

Did you know that plaque can also form on your tongue? Plaque on your tongue can result in bad breath. To remove plaque, you just need to include your tongue when brushing.

#5 Soft Bristle Brush and Fluorinated Toothpaste

Don’t just choose any toothpaste, find one that has the ADA seal. But more importantly, it has to be fluorinated. Whitening and flavors are only added bonuses. Fluoride helps make your enamel strong and resistant to cavities and decay.

#6 Rinse with a Mouthwash

Rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash is also helpful. Not only does it give you fresher breath but it also helps eliminate plaque and bacteria. In addition, mouthwashes minimize the acids in your mouth and help remineralize your teeth.

#7 Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Drinking water is good for your body but do you know that it’s also good for your oral health? When you drink water you’ll wash away the sugars, starches, and acids that coat your teeth.


When you follow these tips were’ sure you’ll enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile for as long as possible. Don’t worry, all your hard work and sacrifices will pay off.

Dr. Mamaly Reshad, DDS, MSc, Prosthodontist, has over 20 years of experience in dentistry is the owner of ArtLab Dentistry in Woodland Hills