Daily Dentistry Tips and Tricks

When was the last time you paid your Dentist Woodland Hills a visit? The American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist at least once every six months. These dental visits are part of preventive dentistry. As the popular adage goes, “prevention is better than cure”. When you visit your dentist, you’ll also learn ways on how to take better care of your teeth and gums.

Believe it or not but hundreds of patients come to the clinic complaining of tooth pain, bleeding gums, and bad breath. What’s alarming is that these people say that they brush and floss their teeth at home. It’s perplexing but after a series of questions, it was found that they were doing it wrong. You see, some techniques need to be followed and if you fail to execute these techniques, your efforts will all be in vain, and plaque will continue to build up and wreak havoc in your mouth.

During your dental visit, your dentist will teach you the right ways to protect your teeth and gums against oral health problems. Here are some tips that will help you get started.

#1 Brush Your Teeth Before Bedtime

Even if you’re too tired, you must make an effort to brush your teeth before going to bed. Dentists recommend you brush your teeth twice a day. Once in the morning and the next one before retiring to sleep.

If you keep forgetting to brush your teeth before you sleep plaque and bacteria that have accumulated during the day will attack your enamel and gum tissues leading to the formation of holes and pits called cavities and the swelling of your gums known as gingivitis.

#2 Brush Your Teeth Properly

How you brush your teeth is essential to keeping them healthy. If you’re not brushing your teeth right it’s as if you’ve never brushed at all. The ideal time frame for brushing your teeth is two minutes using gentle, circular motions. Brushing too hard is counterproductive as it will only injure your gums and cause premature enamel erosion. Divide the time equally for every quadrant.

#3 Floss Daily

A lot of people aren’t huge fans of flossing. Unlike brushing, flossing is more complicated and requires more time and effort since you’ll be doing it for each tooth. But, if you are consistent and disciplined, the results will eventually pay off. Again, just like brushing, there is a technique for this. You may ask your dentist to show you how it’s done during your next dental visit to avoid puncturing your gums.

#4 Don’t Forget Your Tongue

Did you know that plaque can also form on your tongue? Plaque on your tongue can result in bad breath. To remove plaque, you just need to include your tongue when brushing.

#5 Soft Bristle Brush and Fluorinated Toothpaste

Don’t just choose any toothpaste, find one that has the ADA seal. But more importantly, it has to be fluorinated. Whitening and flavors are only added bonuses. Fluoride helps make your enamel strong and resistant to cavities and decay.

#6 Rinse with a Mouthwash

Rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash is also helpful. Not only does it give you fresher breath but it also helps eliminate plaque and bacteria. In addition, mouthwashes minimize the acids in your mouth and help remineralize your teeth.

#7 Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Drinking water is good for your body but do you know that it’s also good for your oral health? When you drink water you’ll wash away the sugars, starches, and acids that coat your teeth.


When you follow these tips were’ sure you’ll enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile for as long as possible. Don’t worry, all your hard work and sacrifices will pay off.

Dog, Most Popular Dog Training Methods

If you have a dog you should consider dog training Fredericksburg. The more time you spend with your dog the more you’ll come to realize that they can be a pain when they misbehave. Dog training is arduous, painstaking, and downright taxing if you don’t know what techniques to use. Keep in mind that dogs aren’t humans. Yes, they have emotions just like humans do but they aren’t as receptive as humans so you need to use techniques that will work on them. There are different approaches to dog training but the most popular of all are traditional dominance and the scientific method. We’ll differentiate these two methods below.

Traditional Dominance Training

Traditional dominance training is a method of dog training that was used in World War II. This was when military trained dogs and used force to compel them to obey commands. Trainers assumed that the reason why dogs behave badly was that they are training to outrank the trainer. Instead, trainers are placing their dogs in a conflict situation where the dogs are prone to commit mistakes. To correct bad behavior, traditional trainers will either use a shock collar to let the dog know it went beyond its limits or use a leash to get the dog to heel. The method is successful only if the master is intimidating or strong enough to be able to control the dog. However, this form of training received a lot of doubts and questions because the dog’s behavior is suppressed. The dog will tend to have a subdued personality to avoid getting corrected.

Diane Baumann and William Koehler developed the Koehler method. This method of training encourages punishment to get the attention of the dog. It also uses reinforcement like providing praise. What makes the Koehler method different from science-based training is that the latter uses negative reinforcement instead of punishment. These two are different since negative reinforcement involves removing a negative stimulus while punishment is adding something harsh to correct bad behavior.

The best example of traditional training is Cesar Millan. You’ve probably seen him on TV and other social media sites because of his admirable skills in training dogs. He uses dominance theory in dog training. This theory gets its principles from studies on wolf packs but many argue that wolves and dogs are not the same. However, a lot of pet owners say that Cesar Millan’s theory works, which is why Millan remains to have a strong following.

Scientific Training

There are faster and more effective strategies that are based on the apt control of resources and the use of positive techniques. In this method of dog training, the trainer will reward the dog if it performs the desired behavior and takes away rewards if it manifests unwanted behaviors. The scientific method of dog training is quite similar to the behavioral perceptive of an American psychologist and behaviorist, B.F. Skinner because it uses positive and negative reinforcement. In this. Method, trainers work with the dog instead of ordering the dog.

Many animal behaviorists and veterinarians are fond of this training method. In this approach, the animals are taught the correct behavior by rewarding them and also teaching them that unwanted behaviors will not work. One example is when a dog is going to jump to get a toy that you intend to toss. A traditional trainer would give the dog a leash or correct the dog verbally but in the scientific method, the trainer will hold the toy so that the dog cannot reach it. If the dog sits, the trainer tosses the toy through negative punishment. The dog will soon understand that jumping will not work and sitting works. Therefore, force is no longer needed.

What are the benefits of Cosmetic dentistry?

Let’s face it everyone envies Philadelphia models and celebrities because of their flawless skin and their picture-perfect smiles. The good news is that you can achieve glowing skin and beautiful smiles by using the right skin care products and by consulting with a trusted cosmetic dentist. If you get the right cleanser and moisturizer and if you religiously follow a skin care routine you will see your skin transform right before your very eyes but the sad news is that brushing and flossing can only do so much for your teeth. Even if you brush and floss daily, it won’t change the color, shape and size of your teeth and it won’t straighten your teeth and correct your bite, which is why for aesthetic concerns, your best bet is to give cosmetic dentistry a try.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?

Enhance Your Look

The very obvious benefit of cosmetic dentistry is that it significantly improves your look by transforming your smile. For example, if you want to straighten your crooked teeth you can take advantage of Invisalign or metal braces (teeth straighteners), these are also the same treatments used when you want to correct your bite whether it’s an overbite, cross bite or underbite.

Aside from the alignment of your teeth, cosmetic dental procedures like veneers and tooth bonding can also change the way your teeth look. For example if you want to brighten your smile you can opt for veneers. The plus side to veneers and tooth bonding is that you can actually choose the shape, size and shade you want. We’ll let you in on a little secret; celebrities are famed for wearing veneers. They also look so natural that no one can tell they are thin shells attached to the front surface of your teeth.

Boost Your Self-Confidence

Do you know that how you look directly impacts how you feel about yourself? When you have physical insecurities it will negatively affect your self-esteem. When your teeth are whitened, your tooth gaps are closed and when your bite is corrected you will feel good about yourself. You can talk to your cosmetic dentist about your concerns and he or she will create a customized treatment plan to address all your dental issues.

Improve Your Quality of Life

Believe it or not but by simply improving your smile the rest of your life will improve. For instance, when applying for a job, employers usually factor in physical appearance and if you have a beautiful and dazzling smile you’ll have a higher chance of landing the job compared to when you have tooth decay and bleeding gums.

Enhance Your Oral Health

Cosmetic dentistry is actually hitting two birds with one stone, not only does it improve the look of your smile but it also enhances your oral health. Case on point is having crooked teeth. Do you know that crooked teeth will predispose you to tooth decay and gum disease? The reason is because crooked teeth are much harder to clean. As a consequence, bacteria, food particles and plaque get trapped and as they multiply they wreak havoc in your mouth destroying your teeth’s enamel and inflaming your gums. When you receive orthodontic treatment, the misalignment will be corrected allowing you to properly clean your teeth thereby lessening the chances of plaque and bacteria to accumulate.


As you can see, there are tons of benefits of cosmetic dentistry. Piece of advice, don’t attempt to fix your teeth yourself. There are plenty of YouTube videos and blogs online teaching you how to make your own braces and how to whiten your teeth at home. Never attempt to do these things without professional assistance because not only are they ineffective but these techniques can be very dangerous.

Eye and Vision Health Conditions

Let’s talk about statistics, shall we? Are you aware that over 61 million American adults are at risk of vision loss? Sadly, despite their risk of vision impairment only half of the 61 million have made an appointment with an eye doctor within the year. According to surveys, 12 million people who are 40 years old and above are already suffering from vision problems, 1 million are completely blind; 3 million are diagnosed with vision impairment after correction and 8 million have vision problems as a result of uncorrected refractive error.

Based on these figures, it goes without saying that millions of people, not just in America but also all over the world suffer from vision problems every year. Some visual problems can be corrected through the use of glasses and lenses but when visual problems are left uncorrected they can lead to permanent blindness. The National Eye Institute forecasts that by year 2050 the number of glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy cases will double.

Most people think that vision problems are part of life especially as we age. This, of course, is not true. As long as you care for your eyes you will be able to preserve your eyesight even when you’re older. How can you improve your eyesight, protect your eyes and prevent eye diseases? Let’s find out.

The following are ways to help preserve and protect your vision:

Have Your Eyes Regularly Checked

One of the best ways to care for your eyes is to see an eye doctor regularly even when you feel fine. Don’t wait until you experience visual problems before you go see an eye specialist. The reason why regular eye exam is important is so that early visual problems are detected. Even though you feel that your vision is fine you can’t be 100% sure unless an eye specialist says so. An eye exam will determine if you’ll need glasses or contact lenses and it will also detect eye problems before they get worse.

Consume Foods That Are Good For Your Eyes

Do you know that there are certain foods that actually promote eye health? Yes, that’s right. There are foods that are good for your eyes. A diet that consists of fruits and vegetables specifically green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and collard greens are good for your eyes as they are rich in antioxidants that help prevent cataract formation. Studies also show that certain fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids like mackerel, halibut, tuna, sardines and salmon help enhance eye health.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Individuals who are overweight and obese have a high risk of developing systemic disorders like diabetes. Unfortunately, diabetes can cause complications and one of its complications is vision loss. In order to protect your eyesight you need to maintain a healthy weight. How do you do that? We recommend you do cardio exercises three times a week for at least 30 minutes a day. Watch what you eat and as much as possible avoid fatty and sugary food and drinks as these are packed with unhealthy calories.

Wear Sunglasses When You’re Outside

Sunglasses aren’t just a fashion statement, they actually serve a very important purpose and that is to protect your eyes against ultraviolet rays. When you’re out in the sun don’t forget to grab your pair of shades. When choosing your sunglasses always look at its safety features first before style. Find a pair that block 100% of UVA and UVB.

Don’t ever take your eyes for granted because regret always comes last. As early as now, do everything you can to protect them. It also helps to partner with a reliable eye health specialist.

Perinatal Care and Acupuncture

Moms-to-be want nothing more than their babies to come out as healthy as they can be. For many, taking their supplements, eating healthy, and doing exercises that are safe for pregnant women is one way of achieving a healthy pregnancy. However, many women still experience perinatal depression. This condition starts from the 20th week of pregnancy until 1 to 4 weeks after giving birth.

Acupuncture has been known to offer a lot of health benefits to people, especially to pregnant women, since it was introduced to western medicine. It’s simply the most effective drug-free alternative to contemporary medicine. As the baby develops inside the womb, the mother’s body faces new challenges. As the mother adapts to these changes, acupuncture can provide them with a natural way to cope and address any issues that may come with pregnancy.

Here are some of the benefits of how acupuncture can help women during the perinatal period:

Helps Reduce Pelvic and Lower Back Pain

As the baby grows inside the womb, many structures are pushed back to make room for the growing baby. In a study conducted by the Health of Women and Children found that acupuncture helped in alleviating pelvic and lower back pain caused by pregnancy. They used the LR3 point on the foot which targets the lower back and girdle area of the body. Another research in 2015 done by the Cochrane review revealed that acupuncture was more effective in treating back pain than the usual prenatal care.

Alleviates Nausea and Vomiting

Research from Adelaide University in Australia has also uncovered the benefits of acupuncture in alleviating nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. By stimulating the pericardium-6 point which is located just below the wrist, pregnant women reported less nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness.

Relieve Headaches

Because of constant fatigue, tiredness, increased hunger, and emotional stress, women are more prone to developing headaches during pregnancy. Women who went for acupuncture reported that there was a decrease in the frequency and intensity of headaches they experience. It also lessened their need to take medications which can affect the developing baby.

Promotes Better Sleep

If a woman is pregnant, she’s bound to experience difficulty in sleeping be it because of the constant movement of her baby or she’s having a hard time finding a comfortable sleeping position. In a study published in Acupuncture Medicine, acupuncture therapy was known to help in promoting better sleep among the subjects. They also found out that it could help in treating insomnia.


One of the most common mood disorders that both peripartum and post-partum women. Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine conducted a study on pregnant women who experienced a major depressive disorder. Some of them were given acupuncture treatment targeted for treating depression for eight weeks while the subjects under the control group were given normal acupuncture coupled with a massage. The results showed that those who have undergone therapy experienced lesser instances of depression compared to the control group.

Corrects Baby’s Breech Position

Breech pregnancies constitute about 4% of all pregnancies. Usually, women are advised to go into a Cesarean section if the baby is breech. However, a combination of moxibustion protocol and acupuncture has been known to help turn a breech baby so that the head becomes the presenting part during delivery. This method involves warming the little toe of the pregnant woman using a moxa, a combination of herb and mugwort, and placing acupuncture needles on certain points.

This method is believed to help create extra space in the uterus which the baby can use should she want to turn anytime. Women have also reported increased fetal movements in response to the treatment. Be sure to have your baby’s position checked by your OB-Gyne now and then.

If you’re planning to try acupuncture therapy, you might want to consult your doctor first. This should always be your first task if you’re thinking of trying on any alternative medicine to boost your health. Remember, that anything the mother does can affect the child inside her, as well.

What Are The Health Benefits of Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractors are better known for cracking people’s spines and because they manipulate patients’ backs they are often misconstrued as physical therapists. Although both professions aim to help improve the quality of life of patients the services they offer are uniquely different. Chiropractic care offers tons of health benefits. Let’s learn about how your health can benefit from chiropractic care.

Helps Relieve Pain

Patients who are dealing with physical pain especially in their lower back can benefit profoundly from visiting a chiropractor. Most people resort to getting a full body massage in the hopes that after the session the pain will go away while others take over-the-counter painkillers to subdue the pain. While these two can help alleviate the pain, the effects are only temporary. Instead of calling your masseuse for another appointment or reaching for your painkillers in the cupboard why don’t you book a meeting with a chiropractor and feel your pain miraculously dissipate.

Several studies have shown that the best way to relieve pain is through chiropractic care. It’s an effective pain management technique that’s far better and far safer compared to pharmaceutical medications. Patients who are experiencing lower back pain, frozen shoulder syndrome, scoliosis, ear infections, sciatica, headaches and neck pain can find relief from chiropractic care.

Treats The Source

The mechanism of action of painkillers is to target the symptom instead of treating the source. Chiropractic care, on the other hand, deals with the source. When the source of the problem is treated the patient will no longer experience pain. Contrary to popular belief, chiropractic care doesn’t cure all known diseases but it has been found to be highly effective in addressing a wide range of health problems. Remember that it targets the nervous system and your nervous system is responsible for controlling your body’s responses.

Not Going To Be Dependent on Medications

The problem with medications is they come with unwanted side effects. Even though it provides relief you can’t get away from the negative effects of the drugs. If pain is your concern and you are looking for a way to address the pain without having to deal with annoying side effects chiropractic care is a good way to go! It’s a drugless pain relief method that will help you achieve optimum health and wellness.

Safe To Use With Other Treatment Options

Since you won’t be taking any form of drugs you don’t have to concern yourself with drug-to-drug interactions. This means that whatever pain relief treatments and therapies you are receiving chiropractic care will not interfere with their effects. Chiropractic care is designed to work harmoniously with all types of therapies known to man. However, despite this fact, it is still recommended that you consult your health care provider about getting chiropractic care especially if you are taking several therapies at once.

The Treatment Is Highly Personalized

The great thing about chiropractic care is that it’s not the same for everyone. The treatment one person receives is personalized to his or her specific health needs. Similarly, the treatment you’ll receive is specific to your needs as well. The tools and techniques will vary depending on your condition and the pain you are experiencing. Your chiropractor will let you know what’s the best treatment for you after the consultation.

Side Effects Are Temporary and Minor

Although rare, there were patients who complained of headache and fatigue following a chiropractic treatment. Not to worry because these are normal responses your body is making as it adjusts to your spine’s new alignment. The effects are only temporary. Not to worry because these are completely safe.

As you can see, chiropractic care isn’t just for your back. It offers so much more. Chiropractic care is known to help treat knee, neck, back, shoulder and hip pain. In fact, research revealed that it can even be done on cancer patients to improve their mobility and increase their strength.

The Benefits of Self-Defense

What if your husband phones you and tells you he got caught up in traffic and he can’t make it on time to get you? You decide to walk home with your bag full of cash because you just got your week’s worth of salary. While you were walking you notice three shady men wearing hooded shirts following you. What are you going to do if one of them attempts to reach for your bag? Are you going to shout? Would someone help you? Is there enough time to reach for your phone to call your husband? When your safety is in danger and you can’t ask for anyone else’s help, what you learned in Self Defense class will come in handy.

Is learning self-defense important? Let’s find out why.

Self-Defense Will Empower You

Self-defense is for everyone, both young and old. No one is too young or too old to learn about self-defense. However, it would be great if you teach your children the art of self-defense during their early years as it helps empower them. Contrary to popular belief, self-defense doesn’t promote violence. Your teachers will teach you discipline and will tell you when and where to apply the skills and knowledge that you learned in class.

Self-Defense Minimizes Bullies

Do you know what scares parents the most? It’s when their child comes home and tells them they have been relentlessly bullied in school. Being bullied can have detrimental effects on a child’s mental health. They could end up depressed and scared all the time and this can affect their grades and their ability to interact socially with their peers. Bullying also occurs in adults especially in the workplace. Putting an end to bullying doesn’t mean you’re going to beat the bully. Here’s what’s going to happen. When you join self-defense classes, they will teach you how to defend yourself (of course) but the class will also teach you to develop self-discipline, self-confidence and it will also teach you about respect. When you develop these traits you can stand up for yourself boldly and end the bullying.

Self-Defense Classes Teach Valuable Principles

It’s not all punches and kicks, self-defense teaches you valuable principles that you can apply in your life and in your day-to-day interactions with people. Every time you overcome a particular challenge or struggle it will allow you to reflect in your own capacities. Believe it or not but self-defense classes will teach you more about life than any other class in school. It will teach you to be humble, to be courageous, to have discipline, respect for yourself and for other people, honesty and integrity.

An important lesson self-defense class will teach you is about embracing failure. Everyone is going to fail at something at some point and when that happens you have to have the right mindset. If you don’t have the right mindset you’ll end up angry and frustrated at yourself, depressed and you may entertain the idea of quitting whereas if you are trained in the discipline of self-defense you will understand that failure is a part of life and you should use that as an opportunity for you to make improvements and to better yourself.

Self-Defense Teaches You To Be Responsible and To Be Disciplined

It’s the responsibility of the parents to instill discipline to their kids to make them aware that they have a sense of responsibility to themselves, to their family, to their peers and to society but do you know that your teachers in self-defense class also teaches your kids about these things? These two important lessons aren’t taught in school.

Self-defense classes like jiu jitsu teach you to defend yourself and to fight but at the right time and for the right reasons.